wind farms
By Janine Acero
Protecting eagles: Researchers develop detection and deterrent system to reduce wildlife casualties from wind turbines
Wind turbines have been used to generate wind power, which is generally regarded as clean energy. However, wind turbines have killed numerous bats and birds, including golden eagles and bald eagles, which are federally protected species. Researchers have come up with a solution to minimize these deaths in a study published in Wind Energy. The researchers have set up […]
By Edsel Cook
Hydrogen-bromide flow batteries could soon power the renewable energy industry (but release a dangerous, toxic gas)
An energy storage concept from the Radical ’60s could solve the biggest problem of the wind energy sector. In an article published in ScienceDaily, Kansas researchers have developed a viable hydrogen-bromine flow battery that could store excess electricity during the night. Anyone who has been in the Midwest is bound to run across a wind farm sooner […]
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